Economics is a social science, whose main objectives are to study, analyze, understand and propose economic solutions for companies and countries. Therefore, the Economy works with economic data and analysis systems related to the various sectors of the economy (commerce, industry, services, etc.).
The word has Greek origin. In Greek, "oikos" means house and "nomos" means rules or administer. Hence we can see that in Ancient Greece the concept was linked to the administration of the house. Most likely, the way people used the resources to keep household expenses, reserves, etc.
When we talk about "Economy", we think of saving (saving, saving) money. That is just one sense of that word. If a person does not spend all that he earns, he/she/they can save money, it means to have a reserve of money for some future need, such as buying a house or car, paying for education expenses, services, etc.
But there is another sense for the word Economy. It is a science that studies operations made with money (physical or virtual), covering all the people of a country.
The economy is a science focused on the study of economic activities, which will increase the wealth of a country. In addition, the Economy elaborates systems and practices to improve the lives of people, companies, and society as a whole.