Respuesta :
The correct answer is Systematic desensitization.
Token economy is a combination of reinforcement and punishment procedures. It consists mainly of giving a generalized reinforcer (token) when a desirable response is issued and / or withdrawing it when the objective behavior is inadequate. The card in this case has a value as a reinforcer, since the subject can exchange it for various reinforcers, hence its name of economy. The token is like your "money." In this way, what we achieve is that it is not necessary to be giving the reinforcer constantly after a desirable behavior since these are already previously agreed by means of the prize card. If the subject does a certain task well, he will automatically know that he will have “X” tokens.
Token economy programs are based on the principles of operant conditioning (reinforcement, punishment, extinction and stimulus control) introduced by its predecessor B.F. Skinner (1904-1990). The operating techniques are highly effective and currently used in behavioral therapies to maintain, increase or reduce behavior.
Thus, we understand the behavior as operant to the extent that it influences the environment, strengthening or weakening depending on the consequences that follow the behavior, that is, the contingency or probability between the background of the behavior and its consequences.