Which two potential lending sources would be the BEST place for you to get a loan? Using trusted sources on the web, select two potential lending sources you think would be the best potential place for you to get a loan. Assume you are a person with very good credit. The type of person most lenders would love to have as a borrower.

Respuesta :

Answer:As a person with very good credit looking for a loan, two potential lending sources that would be the best for you are:

1. **Traditional Banks**:

- Traditional banks are a reliable and established source for loans. With very good credit, you are likely to qualify for favorable terms and lower interest rates from banks due to their strict lending criteria.

- Banks offer various types of loans such as personal loans, auto loans, and home loans, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your needs.

- Examples of traditional banks include Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, and Citibank.

2. **Credit Unions**:

- Credit unions are member-owned financial institutions that often offer competitive rates and personalized customer service. With very good credit, you may be eligible for even lower rates at a credit union compared to traditional banks.

- Credit unions may be more flexible with their lending criteria and offer perks like lower fees and higher interest on savings accounts.

- Examples of credit unions include Navy Federal Credit Union, PenFed Credit Union, and Alliant Credit Union.

When considering these lending sources, it's important to compare loan terms, interest rates, fees, and customer service to make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals and needs.


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