When President George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein in 2003, he took a unilateral military action. His stated purpose was to increase US national security. Presidents Clinton and Obama favored more multilateral efforts when intervening in countries such as Kosovo and Libya. Is there a justification for the US to engage in unilateral rather than multilateral military action overseas?

Respuesta :

 there is scholarly  agreement that unilateral military action is not favorable and should be discouraged unless the country is facing a direct threat from a belligerent state. unilateral action comes along with numerous costs and collateral damage that would otherwise be shared out if a country advocates a multilateral cation.
I think no.There is an agreement that unilateral military action is not favorable and should be discouraged unless the country is facing a direct threat from a belligerent state. Unilateral action will result to damages and other economic destruction due to this action.

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